Microsoft Office 2016 Public Preview Official for x86 & x64

What’s new in Office 16
At first glance, the new Office 16 looks pretty much the same as its predecessors, and aside from a few icons, such as the “paste” button, which now seems to be flatter, all included apps, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint look just like the previous version.
The biggest change you can see is the addition of a dark theme that should make Office a bit more eye-friendly when being used during the night.
There are several themes to choose from, all of which can be selected from the settings screen of your Office installation.
At this point, the dark theme doesn’t seem really polished and it still needs some touches here and there, but it’s pretty clear that Microsoft is planning to give users more UI options in the new Office.
Just as it happened with the previous testing versions of Office, this new one comes with the typical smiley button in the menu bar, allowing you to quickly submit feedback if you like or dislike specific features. A similar approach has also been implemented in Internet Explorer 11 in Windows 10, again with the sole purpose of getting feedback from users.
It’s not yet clear if the build that got leaked is new or old, but it’s clearly one of the first versions of the new productivity suite.
Following the first developer previews of the brand new Office 2016, Microsoft has today made available the public preview for the first time. Office 2016 is the next version of Microsoft's renowned desktop software, not to be confused with the all-new touch office apps coming with Windows 10 for phones and small tablets.

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NKGG6-WBPCC-HXWMY-6DQGJ-CPQVG (Trail for 150 Days)

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